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Some Basic Site Statistics

I discovered recently (2021-08) that there are people who have stumbled across this site and have referenced it. Who knew? Prompted me to see what kind of usage is out there.

Total hits since we started recording:


2022-11 Data

Page Accesses
 Num PageAccesses
1  subject_specific_article    100
2  start    71
3  how_do_we_assign_business...    66
4  establish_a_keystone_stor...    23
5  how_do_we_use_points_to_e...    13
6  what_question_are_we_voti...    12
7  agile_jokes    12
8  how_do_we_establish_skill...    11
9  quotable_quotes_list    10
10  frequently_asked_question...    10
11  useful_videos    8
12  what_is_the_elevator_pitc...    8
13  james_tamm_-_want_better_...    8
14  recommended_reading    7
15  some_basic_site_statistic...    7
16  simulating_agile_executio...    7
17  your_first_sprint    7
18  how_do_we_initially_setup...    6
19  workshops_training_and_ot...    6
20  powerful_pictures    6
21  this_is_lean_-_resolving_...    6
22  how_do_we_write_good_pi_o...    5
23  table_view_of_faq    5
24  useful_references    5
25  useful_markup_syntax_in_t...    4
26  ideas_on_presenting_ideas    4
27  pithy_slogans    4
28  how_do_we_move_away_from_...    4
29  what_can_we_do_to_improve...    4
30  comical_comics    4
Number of pages accessed: 164
Total accesses: 653

2022-10 Data

Page Accesses
 Num PageAccesses
1  start    73
2  how_do_we_assign_business...    66
3  subject_specific_article    34
4  sidebar    32
5  establish_a_keystone_stor...    19
6  what_question_are_we_voti...    19
7  frequently_asked_question...    14
8  how_do_we_establish_skill...    8
9  powerful_pictures    8
10  simulating_agile_executio...    7
11  facilitation_-_ritual_dis...    6
12  how_does_the_agile_approa...    6
13  how_can_we_scale_our_esti...    5
14  what_do_we_do_if_we_don_t...    5
15  quotable_quotes_list    5
16  how_do_we_write_good_pi_o...    4
17  how_do_we_encourage_agile...    4
18  what_is_the_purpose_of_it...    4
19  how_do_we_talk_about_spri...    4
20  why_should_we_name_our_te...    4
21  what_kinds_of_problems_do...    3
22  if_you_are_not_seeing_any...    3
23  powerful_facilitation    3
24  what_tips_do_you_have_for...    3
25  workshops_training_and_ot...    3
26  why_doesn_t_traditional_p...    3
27  agile_jokes    3
28  what_can_we_do_to_improve...    3
29  how_do_small_changes_lead...    3
30  how_do_we_deal_with_const...    3
Number of pages accessed: 115
Total accesses: 464

2022-09 Data

Page Accesses
 Num PageAccesses
1  start    112
2  how_do_we_assign_business...    79
3  establish_a_keystone_stor...    29
4  frequently_asked_question...    17
5  pithy_slogans    16
6  what_question_are_we_voti...    16
7  safe_specific_questions    12
8  quotable_quotes_list    10
9  how_can_we_decentralize_t...    9
10  subject_specific_article    9
11  agile_jokes    8
12  how_do_we_write_good_pi_o...    8
13  wiki:dokuwiki    7
14  turn_the_ship_around_-_a_...    7
15  why_do_people_overcommit    6
16  how_does_a_team_initially...    5
17  conferences    5
18  how_does_the_agile_approa...    5
19  why_doesn_t_traditional_p...    5
20  how_do_we_talk_about_spri...    5
21  second_generation_lean_pr...    5
22  how_do_we_initially_setup...    4
23  what_do_you_mean_when_you...    4
24  powerful_pictures    4
25  safe_-_past_present_and_f...    4
26  what_can_we_do_to_improve...    4
27  what_is_the_benefit_of_ha...    4
28  scrum_gathering_2015    4
29  recommended_reading    4
30  webinars_and_videos    4
Number of pages accessed: 162
Total accesses: 642
/home/hpsamios/ · Last modified: 2022/11/07 10:12 by hans