What Are The Changes in Management Approach That Need To Happen with Agile?

Note: this discussion is closely related to What Are The Changes in Culture That Need To Happen with Agile?

One problem that is often encountered when going to an agile approach is that management believes the transformation is “about development” or “about IT” and has no effect on an organization or, more importantly, what management does. This thinking creates a problem for the transformation. The agile approach was developed to allow organizations to produce software better, faster, cheaper (and with more fun). But if the organization insists on old thinking processes then it will not be able to reap the benefits of an agile approach. For example, many organizations say What Does a Scrum Master Do All Day? and decide that they do not need this to be a full time role. The problem is that this role is created to allow the system to produce better, faster, cheaper so saying “we don't need this” is pretty much akin to saying we don't want better, faster, cheaper. I understand that you may be skeptical about some of the ideas, but they are proven ideas, and you owe it to your organization to try them before dismissing them out of hand.

The core changes in mindset that we need to make are changing to approach of leadership (see Jim Highsmith's excellent Adaptive Leadership for a longer discussion):

Key questions that an executive can use to drive the required changes include (see Alistair Cockburn's "The Heart of Agile"):

  1. Independent of anything else going on, how will you increase collaboration?
  2. Accounting for everything else going on, how will you increase trial and actual deliveries to customers?
  3. How will you get people to pause and reflect on what’s happening to and around them?
  4. What experiments will your people do at different levels in the organization to make a small improvement?

The role of management changes as well (for more see Jeff Sutherland's discussion on how management needs to change):