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How Does a Team Initially Get Control of Work?

Or “Why does it feel like I am doing the same work as I’ve always done?”


When we kick-off a Train, we will often kick off the Teams for that Train a little in advance. The problem is not that the people on the Teams don't know where their work is coming from, but rather we need to set up the process so that the process of deciding to do work, the new intake system for the Team, also knows all sources of work and what the Team should typically work on. From the perspective of “what is it the Teams are and will be working on” there are a number of reasons for starting the Team before we get to a PI Planning event:

There is a period between the Team Kick-off and the PI Planning event where we try to help the team work in the new way and begin to get their work under control.

What are the "Guiding Principles" for Work Prior to PI Planning?

In addition to the base principles, ceremonies, artifacts, and roles specified through Scrum, Kanban and other agile approaches, there are some driving “guiding principles” that drive how we want Teams to operate at this stage:

The bottom line is that it will feel like “business as usual” until we get control of the work and start operating in the new way. These “guiding principles” help us to get things under control. And as you operate in the new ways some of these guiding principles will seem less important or will just become part of your standard operating procedure, and you’ll create and adopt other principles that will help you operate as a high performing Team.

What Does This Mean the Teams Should Do Prior to PI Planning?

What we are talking about here is how work requirements move through the system, starting with the intake process all the way to completion (“done”). There are two basic areas that Teams need to focus on:

  1. Get control of the Team intake system
  2. Get ready for the initial PI Planning event

How Does the Team Get Control of the Intake System?

Here are a couple of practices to consider as you work to get the Team’s intake system under control:

  1. All Team work must go through the PO for prioritization. Many times work will come to the Team because someone knows someone else, or there is an old “work assignment” procedure in place, or the Team member just wants to do the work. To make sure we gain visibility etc., we have to channel all work through the Product Owner. This is not just something you do at the beginning of “being a Team” but rather something that is a standard practice. But the practice is a good and useful habit to get into right now.
  2. Update the Team scope. This means that for new work items you need to compare this work item to the current definition of Team scope. If it is in the Team scope, then it’s just normal work and so we continue. If it isn’t, then we need discuss with Product Management team to see if Team scope needs to be adjusted. Again, if the Team scope is changed, then it continues with the Team. If it is not, then you need to determine how to transfer work to responsible party for this and future similar items. Responsibility for the work item remains with the Team until this transfer discussion has been completed. In this way we also ensure that work that used to be done by Team members does not get dropped when the Agile Team is formed - see How Do We Ensure Critical Work Does Not Get Dropped as We Kick Off Teams for more information.
  3. Work to understand what items that are unplanned (real break-ins) versus something that can be planned. From a Team perspective the more work we can plan, the more we can control and the more effective we can become. For many IT organizations which are driven by ticketing systems it often looks like all work suddenly appears. But the reality is that often the tickets come from known work such as projects that the business want. In other cases, a ticketing system will specify a date to be done (and the date is often “immediately”) but from a business perspective we don’t really need it now and so we could schedule it at some time in the future. The Team should look at incoming work and try to figure out how to plan more work.
  4. Establish a triage person. Often it is difficult for Teams to sit back from the barrage of inputs coming into the Team and, while we would like to get these in front of the PO for prioritization, perhaps the ticket really only will take a couple of minutes to do and there really is no benefit to creating a backlog item etc. Or perhaps there is some level of technical evaluation required to classify the item so the Product Owner can understand how to prioritize the work. Rather than have the whole team being driven by these interrupts, a common practice is to set up one person on the Team that functions this way. This allows the Team to focus their efforts. Another common practice is to make this a rotating position, so that one person doesn’t get burned out.
  5. Work to understand Team capacity to take on work. In order to determine whether the Team can start an item it needs to understand what its capacity is to take on work. This means they need to understand the Team capacity - how much work can we do in a (say) 2-week period. For most Teams the measure is a Team's velocity. Once this is understood we can start understanding, for example, the percentage of capacity we need to allocate to items that cannot be planned.

Again, the idea is that the Team increasingly gets control of their work, and in particular their intake system, so that can structure that process to deliver value faster. As you get control of work you will typically find that more and more work can be planned which provides opportunities for Teams to improve delivery (see How Do We Deal With Constant Interruptions for more of this thinking). Pictorially this is represented as:


(Thanks to for this picture)

How Does the Team (and Program Team) Get Ready for the Initial PI Planning Event?

In the context of this discussion, even though we kick-off Teams as standalone entities, the reality is that we are working to building a Train (multiple Teams working together to a common purpose). The seminal event that is driving this is the initial PI Planning event.

The Program Team is responsible for getting this set up. Part of that responsibility falls to the Product Management and System Architect Team who need to develop a backlog of Features ready for the Train to work on. It is expected that some of the work will be as a result of key strategic initiatives and are driven top down from the Trains (via a Portfolio?) to the Teams. But experience has also shown that early Planning events must really understand current work Teams have as well as ideas on how they can improve their work. This means that even before a PI Planning event there is significant collaboration between the Program Teams and the individual Teams. This is good practice for future Train planning and execution.

Many people think that there is a hierarchical view of how work gets executed when we set up a Train. They think that Epics for the Portfolio level will drive all the Program-level Features, and that they in turn will drive all the Team Stories. While we expect a significant amount of work to be driven that way, this approach would not leverage the ability of Teams (and Trains) to do what is right based on the knowledge from the coal face. In reality it is a matter of timing. Early in the life of a Train, a lot of Features will be “sourced” from the Teams (as will Portfolio-level Epics from the Trains). Over time we would see more work being driven top down.

This is the basis of the collaboration between the Trains and the Teams. For the Product Management Team to understand how much work they can plan for the Train, they need to understand how the capacity of the Teams is being used today. The Teams on their side want to be able to start investing in improving the quality of work, not just responding to the latest ticket. It is in the interest of both groups to collaborate on the understanding of current work, and how we shape the intake of work going forward.

What kinds of practices have we seen between across the Train to help prior to the initial PI Planning event?

What Should Teams Have Walking into PI Planning?

You are still early days as a Team, but that does not mean that you have not started to understand what is possible. You can expect to bring this understanding into a PI Planning event:

  1. Velocity and Iteration Predictability. As teams go through the several short iterations before their first PI, they get enough of a velocity as a starting point. In addition, tracking estimated over actuals would show how often teams finished what they committed to at start of sprint. These metrics can show how much work a team should accept during PI planning.
  2. Capacity Percentages. Capacity can be allocated to match the team needs for both planned and unplanned work to prevent being overcommitted.
  3. Features for a quarter. After the Program and Teams prioritize all the Train features, Teams will bring what they think they can complete in a quarter given an understanding of their capacity and velocity.

Want To Know More?

While this discussion is written from the perspective of a Team operating in a Team-of-Teams (SAFe Program) context, in reality the thinking applies to just about all Teams as they kick-off. Lets face it, when we kick off a Team, most people on the Team have work that doesn't just simply go away so working Team scope and work intake system is something that should be done. And while the Team might not be operating in a Program, the considerations (improvement, understanding capacity, common modeling of artifacts, etc) are useful in any situation where there is more one Team operating.

Related information:

Thanks to Steve Sanchez for his help with these materials.