====== How Does The Role of Architect Change in Agile? - SSA ====== The role of “Architect” in an agile transformation sometimes causes confusion. Traditionally there has been a need for someone to not just worry about the current features to be delivered but to also look ahead and understand how they can position the Teams so they can work coming requirements. There has also been a need for consistency in an overall enterprise offering so that customers of that offering feel like the solution could have come from one person, to reduce the amount of re-invention we have to do, and to ensure we have clean implementation regarding non functional issues such as security, performance, and so on. That need does not go away just because we now have empowered Teams. In fact, it could be argued these issues are even more critical in the new world. > Note: This page does not try to define the role of "architect" in its various forms. This is more a discussion on the changes in thinking we need to have to be a successful agile architect. {{page>what_is_the_difference_between_emergent_and_intentional_architecture#What is the Difference Between Emergent and Intentional Design?&noindent¬ags&noeditbutton&nouser&nomdate&nodate}} So how does this work practically? {{page>why_should_an_architect_collaborate_with_teams#Why Should an Architect Collaborate With Teams?&noindent¬ags&noeditbutton&nouser&nomdate&nodate}} {{page>how_do_we_introduce_a_new_techncial_approach#How Do We Introduce a New Techncial Approach?&noindent¬ags&noeditbutton&nouser&nomdate&nodate}} {{page>how_do_we_work_on_the_big_architectural_initiative#How Do We Work on the “Big” Architectural Initiative?&noindent¬ags&noeditbutton&nouser&nomdate&nodate}} {{page>how_do_architects_ensure_consistency#How Do Architects Ensure Consistency?&noindent¬ags&noeditbutton&nouser&nomdate&nodate}} {{page>how_does_the_architect_interact_with_the_product_management#How Does the Architect Interact With the Product Management?&noindent¬ags&noeditbutton&nouser&nomdate&nodate}} {{page>what_are_the_benefits_of_a_collaborative_approach_to_architecture#What Are the Benefits of a Collaborative Approach to Architecture?&noindent¬ags&noeditbutton&nouser&nomdate&nodate}} ====== Want To Know More? ====== * [[https://www.scaledagileframework.com/system-and-solution-architect-engineering/|System and Solution Architect]] * [[https://codeclimate.com/blog/kickstart-your-next-project-with-a-walking-skeleton/|Kickstart Your Next Project with a Walking Skeleton]] * [[https://gojko.net/2014/06/09/forget-the-walking-skeleton-put-it-on-crutches/|“Riffs” on this walking skeleton approach]] * [[:lean_architecture_-_for_agile_software_development_-_james_o._coplien_and_gertrud_bjornvig|"Lean Architecture: for Agile Software Development" - James O. Coplien and Gertrud Bjørnvig]] * [[https://less.works/less/technical-excellence/architecture-design.html|LESS Architecture Design]] * [[https://vimeo.com/108017431|Torbjörn Gyllebring : The Reverse Conway - organizational hacking for techies]]: Interesting discussion on the relationship between system and organizational design. * [[https://martinfowler.com/articles/scaling-architecture-conversationally.html|Scaling the Practice of Architecture, Conversationally]]: Really thought-provoking article on how we can have more architecture done by teams than from an ivory tower. Makes a specific proposal of a practice based on one core element - the Advice Process - and four supporting elements - Architecture Advisory Forum, Lightweight ADRs, Team-sourced Principles, and Your own Tech Radar. {{tag>FAQ Management Culture Mindset SAFe Architect SubjectSpecificArticle}}