====== Canonical References on Scaling ====== ^ Description | Link ^ Level ^ | Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) | http://www.scaledagileframework.com | Beginner | | Large Scale Scrum (LeSS) | http://less.works | Beginner | | Flex Framework | https://portal.netobjectives.com/pages/flex/ | Intermediate | | Nexus Guide - Scrum.org view of an approach to scaling | https://www.scrum.org/Portals/0/NexusGuide%20v1.1.pdf | Beginner | | Scrum @ Scale - Scruminc.com view of an approach to scaling | https://scrumatscale.scruminc.com | Beginner | | Disciplined Agile Delivery site]] for blog postings etc as well as the [[http://disciplinedagileconsortium.org|Disciplined Agile Delivery membership site]] | http://www.disciplinedagiledelivery.com | Beginner | | A little different to the others, the Flow Framework supports tracking flow of value. | https://flowframework.org | Intermediate | {{tag>Reference Scaling}}